Signs from the Universe or superstitious crap?

I was at the book store the other day with my family. I let the younger girls go to the children's section under strict instructions they weren't to leave that carpeted area. I wandered around looking at computer books on html and art photography. I decided I should go check on the girls and as I passed by the self help section a book fell off the shelf. There was no one in the isle so I stopped. I had always been of the mind that the Universe speaks to us in many ways, with signs, some not so subtle. I considered that I was being led to read a book I might not have otherwise noticed. Then I hesitated and looked toward the children's section. I really should be checking on them, I thought. I started to walk away and then, wracked with guilt, turned back. 'What if someone picks up the book and I never know the message I was being sent?' I had a fear that I would be punnished for ignoring the divine message. And then more guilt that I wasn't checking on my girls. So walked down the isle intending to pick the book up and take it with me to check on the kids. When I got there I almost laughed hysterically. I was experiencing a little momentary anxiety over wanting to pass that book up and not wanting to 'miss out' on a message. Look what I found! Anxiety Disorders and Phobias. Wow. Now who says the universe doesn't speak out? It does, and often in very funny ways!
ps...... I didn't buy the book. I thought the title did the trick!
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