Defined by Love

"We are not defined by whom we love but by the depth and intensity with which we love them." She's 10 years old and just the sweetest most loving soul...
and she completely adores me. I've been waiting for the emotional seperation that starts between 7 and 9 years of age and it hasn't come yet. Not that 7 year olds don't love to be with their parents, but you start to notice how they will choose their friends over their parents for play time and such. Angelina would still rather paint her toenails next to mine then play barbies with the next door neighbor. She's my partner. She's MY girl. Her heart balances on the edge of anticipation each time she asks me to volunteer some time in her classroom. She proudly shows me off to her classmates as if I were some shiny, glowing prize. And then a lightbulb clicks on.....As if I were a prize. That is so profound to me. I have spent a lot of time trying to define myself by what I do or how much I give to others and the community. But on a Monday morning at 6:45 when she staggers into my room for a kiss and a snuggle before she even thinks of getting breakfast, all I can think of is that I truly am defined by love. It's an emotional realization when you have it, that your children step into the world each day, judging life, measuring it up, all with your love as the guide with which all things are compared. Their security, their bravery,'s all woven with the integrity of your love. As I walked into my daughter's classroom and was greeted by the teacher and other students, I looked at Angelina and saw that I was her rock. And I knew that she was my safe place to land when things weren't going right. She wouldn't judge me or make fun of my mistakes. She loves me like the earth loves the sun. It's a tremendous gift to be loved like that. And I am happy to let her love define me.
Absolutly beautiful. A mother's love for her child. A child's love for her Mother. What else is there?
Your photos capture this same feeling of worship love. Healing love.
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