Meekins is REAL!

Meekins is Cassie's best friend. A beenie baby stuffed lamb hardly bigger then the palm of my hand, she lives and breathes like a genuine member of our family. We found her hanging around a gift shop in Pismo Beach, California. My family is fond of tag shopping the beenies for birth dates that match our friends and family. Meekins shares a birthday with Cassie and we knew when we found her that she had to be ours. Stuffed animals are typically loved on and drug around the house for a few weeks before they join the hordes of other stuffed animals in plastic tubs in the garage. I feel a twinge of guilt each time we stash another loved one in the fluffy graveyard, reminded of the velveteen rabbit. But Meekins was different. She never lost her allure, gaining royal status instead. She sat at the breakfast table and shared cereal bits with Cassie every morning and I was forced to make Meekins talk in a high squeaky voice so Cassie could have a conversation with her. Meekins rode along with us on road trips and slept in bed with Cassie each night, demanding a kiss and cuddle of her own. Being that I am a photographer and Meekins is a very important member of the family I set up a portrait session for her one day and this photograph here is matted and framed not only on our fireplace mantel but also on her Daddy's desk. We can't look at Meekins without seeing Cassie's brilliant love and adoration. She is a gift to us all. She's a warm soft place for the tender love of a 6 year old to land, teaching her about friendship and perfect love. Meekins looks like a bundle of fluff and stitches but I know she is real. Go here to see a slideshow about how Meekins has come to life through the love of a little girl! Be patient because it may take a little time to load and make sure to turn your speakers on because there's great music too!
I couldn't get the slide show link to work :(
I couldn't get the slide show link to work :(
Wow. The flooding guilt for all the stuffed animals we have in trash bags in the garage that could have been life long friends....
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