Professional Photographers of Colorado Fall Conference and Awards
I was so fortunate to attend the fall conference and print competition. What an incredible and educational experience! I am humbled and awed at the amazing talent I stood shoulder to shoulder with and pleased to announce my list of awards
Third Place - Digital Imaging
Second Place - Digital Imaging
First Place - Digital Imaging
Best of Show - Forsaken
First Time Award - (given to highest scoring print case of all first time entrants)
Court of Honor Award - (given to top 10 photographers in the state)
Judges Choice Award - Forsaken
Judges Choice Award - An Intimate Pair
Photographer of the Year - (given to highest scoring print case of all entrants)
Kodak Gallery Award for Excellence in Imaging
A special thank you to Rick Avalos for your support and encouragement. You led me, frightened and uncertain, to this moment. With deep gratitude I revere you.

Third Place - Digital Imaging
Second Place - Digital Imaging
First Place - Digital Imaging
Best of Show - Forsaken
First Time Award - (given to highest scoring print case of all first time entrants)
Court of Honor Award - (given to top 10 photographers in the state)
Judges Choice Award - Forsaken
Judges Choice Award - An Intimate Pair
Photographer of the Year - (given to highest scoring print case of all entrants)
Kodak Gallery Award for Excellence in Imaging
A special thank you to Rick Avalos for your support and encouragement. You led me, frightened and uncertain, to this moment. With deep gratitude I revere you.

Hello Deanna.. wow beatuful work... cheers from mexico
Erick Pozos
I love this Deanna. Great still!
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